Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Inaugural Blog! (Commence fanfare music)

Greetings from the Wight House! Well, rather, the future Wight House! I have been contemplating starting a blog for quite a while since I thoroughly enjoy reading those of my friends (yes, I am a bit of a blog stalker). So I thought, what better time than now to start a blog for our upcoming family? Now I also thought that over a month ago when this blog was first created, and yes I am just now getting around to the first post, so we'll just see how long this thing lasts....

Hmmmm...updates, updates. Well yesterday Andrew and I had quite the phenomenal day (if I do say so myself!) We went snowboarding (which wasn't so phenomenal as I can count the number to times I have been snowboarding on one hand meaning I am still quite the newbie) at the Park City resort where Andrew and his best friend Clark have season passes. I tend to like the resort because well, that is how this whole family blog thing got started, as seen below....

Luckily I was able to in a single day go from being a uni-turner to being a fully functioning multi-turner (something that took all five times last season to accomplish). Unfortunately I do not think that either my school or work schedule will allow me to visit that resort many times this season, but oh well at least I have a super cool snowboard/bindings/boots to use whenever I can go, thanks to Andrew!

After snowboarding we both took showers, separate but equal mind you, and then he picked me up for our date! This date thing had been a secret because, well I like to be surprised. So he picked me up, we went to dinner at Pizza Pie cafe (we had a 2 for 1 coupon and we are trying to be frugal, mind you). We both were able to request pizzas of our liking and ate till we were full (stuffed may be a better word choice). After pizza we went and had some major fun at the Nickelcade! Oh and while there we got the scoop for all you that read our blog (which at this time is no one) The Nickelcade is moving south for the winter, and forever I presume, this week. So if you want to visit the Nickelcade before they move you better get a move on!

We were at the Nickelcade for a few hours and then went and rented a redbox. It reminded me of our first date when we just kept doing activity after activity and I didn't want the date to end (something that has NEVER happened before, it's usually an hour or two and I am done with the date). So any who, it was a great night.

Stick a fork in it, the first blog is done!

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