Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, Monday

Oh Monday (how I loathe you!),

If you know me, you know I'm not a big fan of Mondays. Now that I'm married I loathe Mondays quite a bit more than usual. My chief complaint is that I get to spend all weekend with my wonderful husband and on Monday morning he leaves me to go to work! HUMPH! I know, it's life...but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. I think I will start liking Monday's when I go back to Utah to teach because that means another week down until I get to live in Florida with my husband! I am really looking forward to teaching at the college level, I just wish that didn't mean that my hubbie and I will be over 2,000 miles away from one another. Oh well, it's could be worse!

So what have we been up to? We we started our weekend off with me having a breakdown about how lonely I get sometimes. Even with my cute-as-a-button puppy, I miss my friends in Utah (thats right, you fabulous four). I mean Chloe is cute 24/7 but I miss having my friends to talk to about anything and everything. I have a husband for that you say, well while that is true it still doesn't mean that I miss, appreciate, and long for their camaraderie. We've been best friends for almost 4 years, lived together, did EVERYTHING together and just had LOTS of fun together. Okay sob story over, bottom line: I miss my friends.
The Fab Four (well Five including me) and my original "Utah friend" and Freshman roommate Shelly who came ALL THE WAY FROM CALIFORNIA!!! LOVE YOU ALL!

Well after the breakdown we made our way over to Pensacola (I told you we go there every weekend, right?) and bought a bed. Currently we are renting and we won't be able to get our stuff from Utah till the last weekend in May (we made sure to plan moving to include the U2 concert that we have had tickets for for about a year!). Any who, it is cheaper to buy a new bed then rent it so that means we will just have a nice, comfy bed for when people come to visit (cough,cough!). That took a little longer than we expected so we only caught the literally last 5 seconds of the second period and the third period of the Pensacola Ice Flyers game. We were hoping for another fight like this one...

It looks a lot more barbaric than it was. It was the first hockey fight I saw and I was a little mortified at first that the referees didn't intervene sooner but apparently that's how it goes down in the rink. I asked Andrew (after hearing many cheers of "get his jersey!")if  they were trying to get the others jersey in an attempt to humiliate the other (you know like taking their jersey, and their pride). He kindly said, "No they just try to pull the other person's jersey over their face so that they can punch the crap out of each other. SEESH! After my initial reaction of "STOP THE INSANITY!" it was pretty fun! I think witnessing an "Ice Fight" should be on anyone's bucket list. 

Saturday was a great sleep in day with a few errands. We sent presents for nieces and nephews at UPS. For those that don't know, UPS does not pack and ship out of the kindness of their hearts (as we thought) they charge you out the nose! Oh well, live and learn. We didn't have any boxes here big enough so it was the best we could do and it is totally worth it! Hopefully they will like their presents! 

Sunday was relaxing as well. We went to church (I LOVE our branch!), did our callings, and just relaxed the rest of the day (walks for Chloe, LOTS of talking, games, etc.) We were trying to figure out which wedding pictures to have printed out in our home, problem is I think we like too many! Life's rough, huh? HA! 

And here we are, back at this miserable monday (well not really miserable, but it was alliterative). The highlight of my weekend was lots of time spent with my hubby I hope his was the same (except it was time with me, and the hockey game I'm sure), and Chloe's was Saturday night when we got pizza which means she had pizza crust for dinner-- HER FAVORITE!

Till next time,
M pictures!

My family that was able to make it from NC, MD, and ID

Our best friends (minus Mel)!

My best friends from California (Dave and Shelly and their baby David)

Andrew's brother Brett

My sister, Hayley

The whole Temple Gang!

Andrew and his sister, Jenny

My dad and his girls!

 Luncheon and pottery painting at Color Me Mine!

Our cute-as-a-button nice, Carly!

My awesome sister-in-law (she made the greatest plate!), Diane and two of our awesome nephews- Nathan and Nicholas!

 Clark hard at work on his "MEOW" bowl (it's their inside joke between him, Andrew, and Cindy)

Candy buffet at the reception!

 Playing some putt-putt at the reception!

All of our handsome nephew's! (L-R: Nicholas, Daniel, Nathan, and James)

He know's I'm going to SMASH IT!

The BFF's putt-putting!

My family putt-putting

The "bubbleiscious" exit!

The getaway car!

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